Discover the awesome world of biology for kids with our range of fun experiments, free games, cool science fair projects, challenging quizzes, interesting facts, amazing videos, worksheets and more!
Learn about bacteria, cells, cloning, famous biologists and all kinds of interesting biology topics. As well as activities for children, there are also lesson plans for teachers, ideas for parents and a whole host of free teaching resources for anyone interested in biology and learning about science online. | | Sponsored Links |
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Enjoy our fun biology experiments. Breed bacteria, research microscopic creatures, test the volume of your lungs, experiment with your senses and more. | Breeding Bacteria Breed samples of bacteria on an agar plate. How quickly do your tiny microorganisms reproduce? | | Microscopic Creatures What kind of microscopic creatures can you find in water from different sources? Take samples and examine them with a microscope. | | Lung Volume How fit and healthy are you? Do you do regular exercise? Try this experiment and find out the air capacity of your lungs. | | Smell and Taste Delicious foods taste great thanks to our senses, but what happens if we take one of them away? Does food taste the same? |
| |  Take a look at these great biology videos. Learn how cloning works, what meiosis and mitosis are, how DNA forms, what's found deep beneath the surface of the ocean, how microbiology affects life on Earth and more.  | Cloning Watch a fascinating demonstration of cloning in action. |  | DNA Replication Learn how DNA forms and watch the amazing way it replicates itself. |  | Meiosis Find out what meiosis is and how it works with this informative video. |
| Have fun learning about science with these cool biology games. Enjoy a range of interactive activities that will help you understand the unique world of biology. | How Plants Grow Use heat and water to experiment with different growing conditions for plants. Can you help the plant grow to a healthy size? | | Keeping Healthy How do different activities such as sleeping, sitting, walking and running affect your heart rate? Can you keep a healthy balance? | | Microorganisms Look hard for places where you think microorganisms might be living and learn the role they play in their environment. | | Plant & Animal Differences Sort plants and animals into different categories and learn what makes them unique with this fun biology game. |
| |  Get some great ideas for a range of fun biology science fair projects for kids. Check out our suggested topics and get started on projects related to hygiene, fertilizers, growth, mold, bacteria, hydroponics, seeds and life cycles.
| Check out these fun biology facts for kids and learn more about plants, animals, cells, biologists, ecology, antibiotics, DNA, evolution and more. | Biology Facts Did you know that the largest living structure on Earth is Australia’s Great Barrier Reef? Enjoy our great list of biology facts. | | Human Body Facts Learn more about the human brain, eyes, heart, skeleton, muscles, lungs and skin with our amazing human body facts for kids. | | Plant Facts Have fun as you discover new facts about trees, flowers, poison ivy, venus flytraps, photosynthesis, and other topics related to plants. | | Health Facts Take a look at our health facts and learn interesting information about nutrition, exercise, allergies, disease, obesity and medicine | | Animal Facts Animals are a fun subject to learn about so check out our wide range of facts about dogs, cats, sharks, tigers, whales, leopards, elephants, lions and more. | | Charles Darwin Facts Learn about Charles Darwin, the English naturalist who created the science of evolutionary biology and the theory of natural selection. | | Louis Pasteur Facts Read about Loius Pasteur, a French chemist and biologist who made important discoveries related to vaccinations, the immune system and the nature of diseases. |
| |  Challenge your knowledge of biology by trying one of our fun biology related quizzes. How much do you know about plants, animals, cells, proteins, growth, fungi, ecology, microbiology, photosynthesis and genetics?  | Biology Quiz How much do you know about biology? Find out with our fun biology quiz. |  | Animal Quiz Answer interesting questions about a range of different animals. |  | Food Quiz Enjoy questions about cooking, health, vegetables and nutrition. |  | |  | |  | Biology Word Search Find biology related words with this printable biology word search for kids. |
| Enjoy a range of biology lesson plans, teaching resources, classroom ideas and fun worksheets. Find activities and information on topics such as plants, food, DNA, moisture and senses. | Introduction to Biology This lesson plan offers an introduction to the amazing world of biology for kids. Learn the basics and try some simple activities. | | Grow a Plant Grow your own plant and learn how to keep it healthy with the right amount of sunlight, nutrients and water. | | DNA Extraction Have fun extracting the DNA from a banana before examining what it looks like under a microscope. |
| |  Check out our cool range of free biology pictures, photos and diagrams. Find interesting images of bacteria, cells, fungi, DNA, viruses, plants, animals, chromosomes, lab environments, cloning and more. |