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Free dinosaur pictures for kids

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Picture name: Gorgosaurus
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86 KB
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700 x 425
Facts & description: This drawing shows the possible appearance of a Gorgosaurus as it attacks a Parasaurolophus. Gorgosaurus was a Theropod that lived in the late Cretaceous Period (around 75 million years ago). It lived in North America and was from the same family of dinosaurs as the Tyrannosaurus rex, featuring small arms, sharp teeth and a length of around 9 metres (30 feet).


This drawing shows the possible appearance of a Gorgosaurus as it attacks a Parasaurolophus. Gorgosaurus was a Theropod that lived in the late Cretaceous Period (around 75 million years ago). It lived in North America and was from the same family of dinosaurs as the Tyrannosaurus rex, featuring small arms, sharp teeth and a length of around 9 metres (30 feet).




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