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Acid Base Questions & AnswersAcid Base Quiz

Take our fun acid base quiz and see how much you know about this interesting science topic. Answer questions about a variety of acids & bases including sulfuric acid, citric acid, ammonia and sodium hydroxide.

Check your answers to the true or false questions when you’ve finished and enjoy learning some surprising new trivia and science facts on the way. Perfect for kids and students, it makes good practice for an upcoming test.

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1. True or false? Bases change litmus paper to blue.
2. True or false? Ammonia is an acid.
3. True or false? Properties of acids include being corrosive and having a sour taste.
4. True or false? Sulfuric acid is known as a strong acid.
5. True or false? Base solutions have a pH below 7.
6. True or false? The chemical formula for sulfuric acid is H2SO4.
7. True or false? Lemons contain citric acid.
8. True or false? An alkali is an acid.
9. True or false? An anion is an ion with more electrons than protons, giving it a negative charge.
10. True or false? Neutral solutions have a pH of 0.
11. True or false? Acids change litmus paper to red.
12. True or false? The word acid comes from the Latin word acidus (meaning sour).
13. True or false? The chemical formula for sodium hydroxide is NaH.
14. True or false? A cation is an ion with more protons than electrons, giving it a positive charge.
15. True or false? Acetic acid gives vinegar a sour taste and strong smell.
16. True or false? Acid solutions have a pH above 7.
17. True or false? Formic acid is found in bee venom.
18. True or false? Sodium hydroxide is known as a weak base.
19. True or false? DNA is an abbreviation for deoxyribonucleic acid.
20. True or false? Potassium hydroxide contains potassium, oxygen and helium.



Acid Base Quiz Answers


1. True
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. False
6. True
7. True
8. False
9. True
10. False - 7
11. True
12. True
13. False - NaOH
14. True
15. True
16. False
17. True
18. False
19. True
20. False - Hydrogen not helium



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