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Free optical illusions for kids

Find a range of amazing optical illusions right here at Science Kids. Enjoy unique images designed to deceive the eye and test the brain.

Photo name: Delboeuf Illusion
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740 x 452
Photo description: This image is an example of the Delboeuf illusion that relates to relative size perception. The black circle on the right appears bigger than the black circle on the left because of the distance to the rings that surround them. A distant surrounding ring makes the inner circle look smaller relative to an inner circle with a closer surrounding ring. This optical illusion is similar to the Ebbinghaus illusion.


This image is an example of the Delboeuf illusion that relates to relative size perception. The black circle on the right appears bigger than the black circle on the left because of the distance to the rings that surround them. A distant surrounding ring makes the inner circle look smaller relative to an inner circle with a closer surrounding ring.




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